Economics / Distribution

Social Responsibility

KIN HENG recognizes the important role in protecting and preserving our environment for the present and for the future.

KIN HENG was issued an FSC® CoC certification on May 2010 by SCS Global Services. As such, we are committed to purchasing and using only FSC®-certified wood or wood from other responsible sources. All the timber logs we use are harvested from legal sources. We seek evidence of compliance from suppliers that they are operating in accordance with the laws of their countries. It is our company policy never to use wood that has been illegally harvested, wood from genetically modified trees, wood from areas where traditional or civil rights are violated, wood from uncertified high conservation value old-growth forest, wood harvested in forest being converted to plantations or non-forest use.


As an industry leader in the manufacturing of curved/molded/bent plywood seating components, KIN HENG strives to meet the following goals: -

  • Minimize waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible
  • Recycling 100% all wood and metal wastes
  • Sourcing and promoting products that minimize the environmental impact of both production and distribution
  • Minimize harmful emissions from our adhesives by using the lowest emission resins available on the market

Our FSC®-certified products are available on request.

© Copyright 2020 Kin Heng Timber Industries Sdn Bhd - All Rights Reserved